Monday, February 25, 2019

Plantagenet Princess, Tudor Queen by Samantha Wilcox

She was the mother of Henry VIII and wife of Henry VII, but who was Elizabeth of York? Raised as the precious eldest child of Edward IV, Elizabeth had every reason to expect a bright future until Edward died, and her life fell apart.
When Elizabeth's uncle became Richard III, she was forced to choose sides. Should she trust her father's brother and most loyal supporter or honor the betrothal that her mother has made for her to her family's enemy, Henry Tudor?
The choice was made for her on the field at Bosworth, and Elizabeth the Plantagenet princess became the first Tudor queen.
Did Elizabeth find happiness with Henry? And did she ever discover the truth about her missing brothers, who became better known as the Princes in the Tower? 

Historical fiction is quickly becoming a favorite genre for me, with books like this one paving the way. While Plantagenet Princess was released back in 2015, I only recently became aware of it, and the author.

In this novel you follow the life of Princess Elizabeth of York. Now if you have a hard time keeping all of the Elizabeths' and Edwards' and Henrys' of old England straight, join the club. Going into this I had a vague about WHO I was going to be reading about, and I try not to do any research beforehand so I can get a feel of the fiction part without having that nagging voice that says "Thats not what happened!"

This book is a fairly easy read, and Samantha adds in small details to make it clear who the main character is referencing when so many people of the same name exist. The only thing that made me stop reading on occasion was the P.O.V. changes. They were occasionally abrupt, and made me have to reread it for clarity. I do have to say that the author has a way with surprises. There were several times in the book where I reread the paragraph because I could not believe what I had just read. I am excited to continue my journey into historical fiction with some more of Samanthas' work.

Buy it on Amazon Here

Pages :448 

Connect with Samantha at or on Twitter @carpe_librum  Facebook at

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Plantagenet Princess, Tudor Queen by Samantha Wilcox

She was the mother of Henry VIII and wife of Henry VII, but who was Elizabeth of York? Raised as the precious eldest child of Edward IV, E...